Over the past few days I've received very nice emails from people who have taken their time to find info on casualties of WW1 that that have been missing from a few war memorial transcripts.
This has been very good for me as there is only so much time I can spend looking for a name - sometimes its not always that obvious and the emails that have been received have enabled me to add full names, dates and other into to these men.
I've also had an email saying I had the wrong info for one man - we all make mistakes. I looked into it but with no additional info on CWGC it was hard to pin point this man in the census. I basically worked on the average age of a casualty having him born around 1895 +/- 5 years or so. Only one person with that name fell into that criteria. His information on death, burial and birth were correct but his parents according to a relative were wrong.
I did another search for this man and laid out my case for his parents in my email to the relative, but did point out how I had come to that conclusion.
A reply came and included info that I could not have known - info from certificates giving dates and names - I then went onto the census armed with this and gottcha found him straight away. Only to find him as being born a lot earlier than is the norm.
So thanks to this email, I was able to correct the parents of this man. I appreciate the time that people take to email me with alterations and additions and try to amend info where possible.
I've just been working on a couple of war memorials for North Yorkshire - Egton, Egton Bridge and St Ninian's Catholic Church, Whitby. It's nice to work out of area, seeing new birth places for people and new names, many names being confined to small areas.